Wayne County is offering SO much to do this weekend! Festivals, live melodrama, farmer’s market, Pottery Palooza and much more.
Canal Days in Cambridge City begins Saturday, Heritage Festival at the Wayne County Historical Museum runs from 9/9 to 9/11, 10-5 Saturday and 12-5 on Sunday, the weekly farmer’s market will run from 8-12 on Saturday and Pottery Palooza will be on for Saturday rain or shine! Also at the museum, the annual melodrama fundraiser will be showing Saturday and Sunday at 2:00 p.m.- always a lot of fun!
For information on area events, you can visit GoWayneCounty.com’s Events Calendar.
If you have an event you would like to highlight or put on our calendar, contact us at karole@gowaynecounty.com or message us on our Facebook page.
Have a great weekend! We will see you out and about Wayne County.