Band Days are Here!
All over Wayne County, you may hear a collective sigh of relief from band directors who are happy to see some sun. With only a few days until the first band competition, rain has been a big concern over the last few weeks.
According to Lisa Savage, band parent of two students at Northeastern, most of the bands are behind in practice due to the rain. Several of the Wayne County bands have had to find alternate places to practice during the inclimate weather, some using the Tom Raper Center at the fairgrounds. And some are making up time by having 12 hour practices.
Centerville Archway Classic
The Centerville Archway Classic is this Saturday, July 18, at Centerville High School at 7:00 p.m. The creativity and work involved in getting these bands where they are today in time for the competitions is something to be applauded. For Northeastern, their hardest work really begins following the Archway Classic when band camp starts next week.
Lisa Savage is excited to be able to help at band camp this year for her children’s band, but expects it to involve a lot of hard work for the kids.
She shared that most bands, including theirs, probably started practicing in May, but again the weather has put them all behind schedule.
Let’s get out this Saturday and support these bands and all their hard work at the Centerville Archway Classic! The next band competition will be the Jay County Lions Contest on July 24, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in Portland. On August 1, 2015 you can catch the bands in Winchester at the Drums at Winchester competition, at 7:00 p.m.
Good luck to all the Wayne County Bands!
Note: State Fair Band day is August 8, 2015 with the line up of: Northeastern starting at number 11, Lincoln at 20, Richmond at number 29, Centerville at 30, and Hagerstown at 40.